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[last updated: 2017-11-23]

Power: 5V
IN0-IN7: 8-ch analog data input port
D0-D7: 8-bit data output port
CLK: ADC0809 clock
OE: output enable signal,high level is available.
EOC: end of conversion signal,high level is available.
STR: start conversion signal

J7: potentiometer enable control. if short J7 by jumper cap, potentiometer connect to IN3.
J8: control connection of VREF+ and VCC. if short J8 by jumper cap, VRET+ = VCC. if not,you can input reference voltage to VREF+.
J9: control connection of VREF- and GND. if short J9 by jumper cap, VRET- = GND. if not,you can input reference voltage to VREF-.
J3/J4/J4: control address of analog input. also can control by MCU.



