Alphabetical site Index:
If you don't find what you're looking for, look on:
- 1/8" stereo plug/jack
- 110615 - See: LM317 Module
- 11065, ICStation, LM358 Weak-signal amplifier module
- 11066, ICStation, LM358 Weak-signal amplifier module
- 11067, ICStation - MCP602 Instrumentation Amp module
- 11069, ICStation, MOSFET driver module - ...
- 160, Adafruit - see: piezo alarms
- 189, Adafruit - see: PIR sensor
- 2.1mm barrel jacks
- 2165, Adafruit 3.3v voltage regulator - see: LD117
- 2310, Adafruit - see: rPi hat proto board
- 2542, Adafruit - see: FONA
- 2636, Adafruit - see: FONA
- 2831, Adafruit, photo transistor
- 292, Adafruit backpack-to-LCD assembly - see: LCD
- 3100, Adafruit rPi camera NOIR module
- 3D printing
- adhesion
- blog
- blue tape
- calibration, first layer
- camera
- cold pull
- embedding parts into a print
- FiberPunk
- filament
- filament, drying
- filament, drying temperatures
- filament, loading
- filament, mySQL database design
- filament, unloading
- find file to print
- gCode
- hardware problems, troubleshooting
- heat-treating models
- live-Z adjust
- load filament
- nozzles
- Octoprint, camera
- printed, log/list
- Prusa i3 Mk3
- Prusa maintenance
- retraction
- sandblasting, post-processing
- Settings/presets
- SketchUp:
- Slicing software
- software, modeling
- spool holder
- strength of printed parts
- troubleshooting Prusa hardware problems
- vendors/suppliers
- 381, Adafruit - see: DS18B20
- 4-port USB hub, rPiZero
- 400, raspberry Pi
- 419, Adafruit - see: keypad
- 4400, Dell Precision laptop
- 4600, Dell Precision laptop
- 555 timer:
- 5676 - constant current LED driver charger
- 814 - opto-coupler
- 865, Adafruit - see: seven-segment LED module
- 877, Adafruit - seven-segment LED module, backpack for
- 878, Adafruit - seven-segment LED module w/ backpack
- 9617 - see: 555 timer
- AC outlet and cord configs
- acceleration, classical, Newtonian
- accelerometers
- alarm system, house
- AdaFruit:
- 160 - see: piezo alarm
- 189 - see: PIR (motion) sensor
- 2165 - 3.3v regulator, see: LD117
- 2310, Adafruit - see: rPi hat proto board
- 2542, Adafruit - see: FONA
- 2636, Adafruit - see: FONA
- 2831, Adafruit, photo transistor
- 292, Adafruit backpack-to-LCD assembly - see: LCD
- 419, Adafruit - see: keypad
- 865, Adafruit - see: seven-segment LED module
- 877, Adafruit - see: seven-segment LED module, backpack for
- 878, Adafruit - see: seven-segment LED module w/ backpack
- ...
- ...
- ADC - see: ADS1115
- ADC0809 8-bit 8-ch ADC
- ADS1115 16-bit, 4-ch ADC
- alarm system, house, projects
- algebra
- ampacity, wire - See: Reference
- Anderson PowerPoles
- angular momentum, classical, Newtonian
- annunciators - see:
- antennas, ham radio
- Apache
- AppImage files (FreeCad)
- Arduino:
- boards, list of
- BRLTTY problem on Nano clones
- error opening serial port (not in dialout group)
- functions
- IDE program
- installation, IDE
- interrupts
- libraries
- libraries, installing contributed
- Linux, dialout group
- on Udoo
- pointers, programming Arduino & C
- port problems - see BRLTTY module
- Preferences - Sketchbook
- programming, statements
- programming, text & character manipulations
- programming tips
- programs, all
- projects, all
- sleep mode
- Teensy
- Teensy Installation
- upgrade IDE
- uploading
- uploading, errors
- uploading options per board type
- Ardweeny, Arduino:
- Artificial Intelligence
- ASCII - see: Reference
- Atopnuc, mini-computer
- Atto, Arduino
- Audacity audio software
- Audio file formats
- Audio Projects
- avrdude - Arduino programming error
- AVRP programmer:
- ax25, ham communication protocol
- backpack - see: LCD
- backpack - see: seven-segment LED
- backups, Drupal site
- baluns & chokes - ham radio
- baluns & choke schematics
- Baofeng HT ham radios
- BareMinimum program
- Basic Electronics
- batteries:
- battery acid level monitor
- Beelink mini computer
- BioAmp EXG Pill
- Blender 3d software
- Blogs:
- boards, Arduino, list of
- Boarduino:
- bookmarks, Firefox, saving:
- breadboarding:
- BRLTTY module
- buck converters
- buzzer - see: piezo alarms
- Cameras:
- Cannot Open Port - permission denied
- capacitive sensors:
- CD/DVD External Player/Burner
- CD74HC4067 - see: Multiplexer
- cell phone shield, FONA, Arduino
- character manipulations, programming, Arduino
- checksums - see: CRC
- chokes, ham radio - see: baluns
- clock/timer project
- coax - soldering PL259 (in Resources...)
- cold pull, 3d printing
- Colors, hex representation for GUIzero widgets
- Compost Temperature Meter:
- constraints, FreeCAD
- computers:
- CRC's and Checksums
- current sense module
- cyclorama - photography platform
- databases, mySQL
- dB - decibels - see Mathematics
- Dell laptop - Precision M4400:
- Dell laptop - Precision M4600:
- Dell Tower
- DEV-07914, Sparkfun Protoshield
- dialout group in Linux:
- Digispark:
- digital pot - see: MCP4131
- Dire Wolf
- Display: WT32-SC01
- Display: see also: Touch screen listings
- DMR, ham radio digital
- Drupal - home page
- drying 3d printer filament
- DS18B20 - one-wire temperature sensor:
- DSO Nano Oscilloscope, Seeed Studio
- DVD/CD External Player/Burner
- Earthquakes & Piezoelectricity
- Edit history
- Electronics, Basic
- Encryption
- energy, classical, Newtonian
- errors - arduino etc.
- ESP32 & ESP8266:
- EspoTek, Labrador board
- expander shield, Digispark, PCF8574, 8 I/O i2C
- expander shield, rPi, MCP23017 16-I/O
- FiberPunk - 3dPrinting mod
- filaments, 3d printing
- FileZilla
- filter & oscillator circuits
- Fonts - see: Linux
- force, classical, Newtonian
- foxhunts, ham radio
- FreeCAD
- FTP, FileZilla
- gCode, 3d printing
- gears, involute, FreeCAD
- geometric algebra and calculus
- GIMP image editor on Linux
- go box - ham radio
- Google, site search
- GPG, encryption
- GPS Module
- Grid Squares, ham locator
- groups, Linux file owner
-, ham, GEAR
- GUIzero
- Hall Effect sensors
- handheld pendant, soil moisture monitor, Arduino project
- ham radio
- haversine equation
- HDMI plug configurations
- Hiking Tracker project
- houseplant watering system, Arduino project
- HTML Notes
- HX711 load cell & instrumentation amp
- i2C, overview & projects
- i2C, Digispark
- impedance
- impulse, classical, Newtonian
- inclinometer, project
- inertia, moment of, classical, Newtonian
- installing Linux packages
- Instrumentation amps:
- interrupt programming, Arduino
- introduction, Arduino
- inventory, rPi
- involute gears, FreeCAD
- IOGear compact keyboard
- IR Remote project
- irrigation - sprinkler system
- Javascript
- keyboard, compact - see: IOGear
- keyboard, virtual - Matchbox
- keypad, 3x4, membrane, Adafruit 419
- kiCAD
- Kissattach, ham radio
- Labrador, Espotek board
- latching relays
- LCD - Liquid Crystal Display:
- LD1117 see LD117 voltage regulator?
- LD117 3.3v voltage regulator
- LD33CV 3.3v regulator
- LED's
- LED Light Strips
- length, classical, Newtonian
- level sense, inclinometer, project
- level shifter, 3v to 5v
- libraries
- installing contributed libraries
- nRF24 libraries
- Linux:
- Arduino, dialout group
- bootable USB stick, create
- commands list
- conditional & loop commands
- directory (CLI) colors
- dual-boot on Dell tower - create USB stick
- dual-boot on Dell tower - USB testing
- dual-boot on Dell tower - Next Steps
- dual-boot on Dell tower - prepare to install - partition HD
- dual-boot on Dell tower - Install
- dual-boot on Dell tower - Access W10 files from Linux
- Fonts: located at /usr/share/fonts
- flatpak: universal package management utility
- GIMP Image Editor
- groups, file ownership
- install Linux
- Java, install
- lost password
- Matplotlib, python plotting module
- moisture - see: soil moisture monitor
- mounting external storage
- operation - misc notes
- packages, install
- partitions, disk, managing
- pip, Python package installer
- profile editing for system variables
- permissions, file
- RTL-SDR, install
- script files
- script file programming
- shortcut - desktop
- storage - see: mounting
- tablet, installing Linux
- upgrading Linux version
- validate checksum
- versions
- Warpinator, Mint 20
- LiPo - see batteries
- LM317 - see Regulators
- LM358, dual op-amp, 8-pin DIP
- LM358 weak-signal amplifier module, ICStation, 11065
- LM358 weak-signal amplifier module, ICStation, 11066
- Load cells
- Loading coils
- Logitech Unifying Receiver
- LovyanGFX Library functions
- MA90 - Atopnuc, mini-computer
- Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence
- Magnetometers
- mass, classical, Newtonian
- Matchbox - virtual keyboard
- Mathematics:
- Matplotlib, python plotting module
- MAX485, RS485 module
- Maxwell's equations for electromagnetic fields.
- mayan calendar
- MCP23017 - see: expander shield rPi
- MCP4131 10k digital pot
- MCP602 Instrumentation Amp module, ICStation 11067
- Mechanics, Classical, Newtonian
- Mega, Arduino, overview
- membrane keypad - see: keypad
- Meshmixer, cut an stl file into parts
- meteor scatter, ham radio
- Midi - Musical Instrument Digital Interface
- MMU, Prusa Multi-Material Upgrade
- mass, classical, Newtonian
- moment of inertia, classical, Newtonian
- Morse code
- MosFets
- motion/proximity sensors - see: PIR sensors
- mounting external storage, Linux
- mp3 decoder board
- MP60 Blackview
- MPU-6050, triple-axis accelerometer + gyro
- multiplexer - Mux, 16-channel
- music file re-naming
- mySQL on Linux - home page
- Nano DSO Oscilloscope, Seeed Studio
- Nano v3.0, Arduino
- nanoVNA
- Neural Nets, Artificial Intelligence
- NOOBS - rPi software installation program
- NooElec SDR
- nozzles, 3d printing
- nRF24:
- OBS Studio, streaming capture software
- Octoprint, 3d printing, camera
- Ohm's Law
- OLED module - 128x32 Adafruit
- op amps - see: LM358
- optocouplers / optoisolators
- oscillator & filter circuits
- Oscilloscope - See: Espotek
- other platforms:
- packages - see: Linux
- partitions, HD
- Pat WinLink client software for Linux
- PCF8574, 8 I/O i2C - see: expander shield, Digispark
- Perf+ (Perf plus)
- Permission denied - cannot open port -
- permissions, Linux files, read, write, execute
- photo resistor
- photo transistor, Adafruit, 2831
- plant moisture - see: soil moisture monitor
- photography, project, platform - see: cyclorama
- PHP:
- phpMyAdmin
- PicoDuino
- Piksey Atto, Arduino
- piezo alarms
- Piezo film
- pip, Python package installer
- PIR (motion) sensor, Adafruit 189
- PL tone, ham repeaters
- PL-259 connector soldering (link to:)
- plotting graphs with Python
- pointers, programming Arduino & C
- Pololu Step-up/down Regulator
- power, classical, Newtonian
- Power Adapter Module, nRF24
- Power Law/formula
- Power Supplies:
- power shield, rPi, GMC GUI project
- Pressure Sensors
- Pro Mini, Arduino
- profile editing (Linux)
- programming:
- Linux, rPi programming
- Arduino, AVRP programmer
- Arduino, character manipulations
- Arduino, FTDI
- Arduino, libraries, nRF24
- Arduino, tips
- Arduino, statements
- Arduino, uploading
- Java
- pointers, programming Arduino & C
- Python, statements
- software management
- programs, Arduino - see: programs - all
- programs, copy for upload to website
- programs, rPi - see: programs - all
- Projects:
- Proto boards:
- proximity/motion sensors - see: PIR sensors
- Prusa:
- PyCollada, install for FreeCAD
- Python:
- Quantum
- radar
- Rasperry Pi - see rPi
- references
- regulators, voltage:
- Relays:
- revision control - see software management
- RF-Nano
- robotics
- rotations with quaternions
- rPi - Raspberry Pi:
- 400, model, rPi 4
- blog
- bootloader
- camera interface
- configure, re-do
- desktop box, Newark element14
- expander shield - see: expander shield, rPi
- ham radio with rPi
- imager
- inventory
- Linux commands list
- Linux, rPi programming
- pi hat proto board, Adafruit 2310
- program execution procedure
- programs, list of
- projects
- RP2040 Zero
- rPi Imager
- script, running at startup
- SD cards:
- serial port
- serial port, disable console serial
- soft shutdown, rPi
- software
- software - updating
- startup
- startup, script, running at
- TFT LCD touch screen shield, rPi
- virtual keyboard - Matchbox
- Zero, rPi
- RS485:
- RTC - Real Time Clock
- RTL-SDR - see: SDR
- Schumann resonance
- screw sizes
- script, running at rPi startup
- script files, Linux
- SD cards, rPi:
- SDR's - Software Defined Radios
- Serial Communication:
- servo motors
- seven-segment LED's
- SHA256 checksums
- SignaLink
- SIM card, for FONA cell module
- site edit history
- site search, Google
- SketchUp notes
- sleep mode, Arduino
- Slic3r PE - 3d printing slicing software for Prusa
- Smith Charts, ham radio antenna theory
- soft shutdown, rPi
- software management
- soil moisture monitor
- soil (compost) temperature monitor - see: DS18B20 on Nano
- solar phenomena
- Sonalerts and screamers
- Sonic-pi
- SoundModem
- SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface
- spool holder, Prusa mod
- sprinkler system
- stereo, 1/8" plug/jack
- strength testing of 3d printed parts
- string manipulation, Python
- super capacitors
- suppliers/vendors:
- switches
- SWR, ham antennas
- Synergy software
- tablet, installing Linux
- Teensy
- telnet
- temperature sensors - see: DS18B20
- TFT LCD touch screen shield, Arduino
- TFT LCD touch screen shield, rPi
- Thingiverse - 3d printing model warehouse
- thread sizes
- time, classical, Newtonian
- TNC - ham Terminal Node Controller
- touch screen, 7", rPi
- touch screen shield, Arduino
- touch screen shield,TFT LCD, rPi
- tower, Dell PC
- TP354T - see: 555 timer
- Tracker, Hiking project
- TV antenna (rotating)
- uDuino
- Udoo:
- ultrasonics
- under-counter lights, Arduino project
- Uno:
- UV sensor
- valves, sprinkler system
- vectors
- velocity, classical, Newtonian
- Vendors/suppliers - see: Suppliers
- video editing
- virtual keyboard - Matchbox
- voltage regulator - see: LD117
- Voronoi
- Warpinator, Mint 20
- watering system, houseplants, Arduino project
- website updating
- Wheatstone bridges
- Wifi Projects - see: ESP8266
- Wifi relay module - see: ESP8266
- Winlink, ham radio
- Wire.h library
- wire size data
- WordPress
- work, classical, Newtonian
- XIAO, Seeeduino Arduino
- Zero, rPi
- Zoneminder video software
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Note: node 139 used for site index
Note: node 140 used for temp todo list