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ham radio: SDR: HackRF One

[last updated: 2023-08-26]

(link to:) Great Scott Gadgets
(link to:) github page
(link to:) HackRF for hams
(link to:) YouTube hackRF one
(link to:) LinRad per SM5BSZ
(link to:) hackers arise

  • 2022-05-12 bought used hackRF One from Stagnone.
  • Installed hackrf from repository:


  • Some random notes from online sources:
    • Freq range reportedly 1 MHz to 6 GHz
    • Switching between transmit & receive (like you'd be doing as a ham) is not quick and easy and requires some software manipulations.
    • Transmit power output is very low, and in one report at least, not even high enough to drive a power amplifier.
    • Front end filtering is non-existent, and in order to set up a clean operation, significant filters would be needed.
    • There is no shielding on the plastic case of this unit.

    • hackRF-one allows using a "portapack", which appears to be a way to use the SDR without a PC.
    • One source recommended using SDRangel analysis software:
    • also recommended getting firmware update



