[last updated: 2019-12-15]
go to: 3d printing home page
from: (link to:) desiquintans.com
- Use 3M 2090, Not 3M 2097
- apply tape in rows diagonal to edges of the bed
- tape strip edges should touch if possible, but gaps are better than overlap.
- first layer adhesion problems:
disable cooling fan for first layer
first layer nozzle at +10C
first layer bed at +10C
first layer print speed slow
(last resort) scrub release agent off tape
- in general: first layer bed temperature at glass transition
subsequent layers 10-20C colder
bed temperature can be significantly hotter than printing without blue tape
- adhesion can be too good, especially if you've cleaned with IPA or scrubbed off the tape release agent
- After a print has been removed from the bed, it can happen that the blue tape will be puckered and bubbled. Heat the bed and smooth out the bubbles with a wide putty knife.