[last updated: 2020-07-06]
go to: Linux home page
- First step:
You must have 19.3 installed. If you have 19, 19.1, or 19.2, you must:
Upgrade to 19.3:
(2020-Jly did this successfully on Dell tower)
- from: (link to:) blog.linuxmint.com
- 1: Create snapshot/backup
- 2: Prepare:
disable screensaver
upgrade from System Settings
- 3: Upgrade to 19.3:
Update Manager > Refresh to see if there are new versions of mintupdate or mint-upgrade-info; if so Apply them.
Launch the System Upgrade by clicking on “Edit->Upgrade to Linux Mint 19.3 Tricia”.
Follow prompts; if asked, choose to "replace configuration files"
- 4: (optional) Add packages new with 19.3:
$ apt install celluloid gnote drawing neofetch
- 5: Reboot
- (link to:) linuxtipsproject
- (link to:) linuxtipsproject
- a bit deep ...: (link to:) linuxtechi
- from: (link to:) itsFoss.com
- 1-2: Do snapshot and backups
- 3: Make sure you're using LightDM:
$ cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager
- 4: Update your system packages:
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
- 5: Install the upgrade tool:
$ sudo apt install mintupgrade
- 6: (optional) Check the Upgrade:
$ mintupgrade check
- 7: Download package upgrades:
$ mintupgrade download
- 8: Apply upgrades:
$ mintupgrade upgrade
- 9: Reboot