[last updated: 2021-01-17]
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I have a "classic" nanoVNA from Hugen, splash screen just
says "", powers up with four traces.
Has been quite useful as it was shipped.
I plan to load Hugen's current nanoVNA-H firmware:
(link to:) github VNA-H
and then use nanovna-saver on an Ubuntu box:
(link to:) github VNA-Saver
Lots of current discussion in the forum about the highly regarded
work of DiSlord and OneOfEleven, should I consider moving to that instead?
Perhaps some other firmware and (hopefully linux friendly) host software?
Here's Oristo's list of the various firmware options as of 10/2019:
(link to:)
(link to:) oristopo
But that doesn't fully describe things, and is badly out of date.
I haven't had time these last 12 months to follow along in the forum.
The nanoVNA universe is expanding rapidly, it's awfully confusing.
Unless you already know pretty much everything, the forum wiki
creates more questions than it answers:
(link to:)
For example, exactly what are the differences between the edy555 nanoVNA,
the Hugen nanoVNA, the Hugen nanoVNA-H, and the Hugen nanoVNA-H4?
Here's a start, the wiki should have this and much more:
(link to:)
Wiki also needs information for the new user who has just unboxed a nanoVNA.
I was totally stumped last year till I found this:
(link to:) hexandflex
(link to:)
The current wiki is not any better in that regard.
Here's a very old thread, at least some of which had to do with creating
a tutorial to get the new user going:
(link to:)
I'm still planning to write a tutorial on complex impedances,
aimed at the ham with with an understanding of little more than
Ohms Law and perhaps SWR readings.
Jerry, KE7ER