[last update: 2022-06-06]
(link to:) 32u4 pinMapping per arduino.cc
Arduino boards
Note: This board is NOT a "MicroDuino", which is a registered name for a STEM product.
This board is the "µduino".
This board is The smallest full-featured Arduino available.
"Full-featured" means having the same number of analog and digital I/O as a Uno.
However there is NO EEPROM.
and NO (addressable) onboard LED.
The LED that is on the board is only a power-on indicator.
(link to:) Crowd Supply page

- Specifications:
ATMEGA32U4 microcontroller
6x Analog I/O ports
14x Digital I/O ports (including Rx/Tx)
Status LED:
blue LED comes on when power is applied to the board
does not seem to be programmable, at least not via the usual default of DO-13
Dual-power modes for 3.3 V and 5 V operation (Vin accepts up to 16 V)
1x Power output (3.3 V or 5 V depending on what mode is selected)
(but I can't find what pin it's available on...)
3x Ground ports
1x Analog reference voltage port
Reset button:
Almost impossible to access
due to 90-deg header directly above it.
It was possible, however, by carefully using an exacto razor blade.
16 MHz precision crystal oscillator
MicroUSB port for easy programming and prototyping
Preloaded with Arduino Leonardo bootloader
Interrupt pins:
Inspection of the pinout diagram
suggests that D0 - D3, & D7 (5 pins) can be used for external interrupts.
Designed to operate with either 3.3 V or 5 V power, selected with a jumper on the board
(in the corner of the board, near the reset button).
- 2022-02-25:
Still available from Crowd Supply, about $10 ea.
received 2
model#: CS-UDUINO-01
I can see it will be a challenge/learning-curve to solder onto
the 1.27mm pitch pins.
- 2022-02-28:
First attempt to connect to IDE:
- Tools -> board -> Leonardo
- Tools -> port
select the one available
- uploaded nominal program
with nothing more than printPreamble to serial monitor
After adding while(!Serial); to wait for serial connection,
It works!
- Projects: ...
- UD-01 set up to test in a variety of circuits:
Red - +5v
Yel - A4
Wht - A5
Blu - D6
Grn - Gnd
Blk - A0
Wht - D3