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DMR: Brandmeister Network tips

[last updated: 2020-08-20]
go to: ham radio DMR page

  • Accessing BrandMeister DMR with your radio and a public repeater or hotspot:
    All you have to worry about is the codeplug of your radio. In the configuration, you will use the 7-digit DMR ID your call-sign has been assigned (for example: 2060945) and the proper TX/RX frequencies.

  • Accessing BrandMeister DMR using your radio and personal hotspot:
    • In your radio’s codeplug, configure your 7-digit personal DMR ID as assigned by HamDigital or RadioID. (For example: 2060945).
    • In your hotspot configuration, use your 7-digit personal DMR ID followed by “01”, for a total of 9-digits. (For example: 206094501). If you have more than one hotspot, use the suffix 02, 03, etc. Always make sure that all your hotspots are using different frequencies.
    • Do not add only “1”, “2”, etc. for a total of 8 digits, as this won’t work.
    • You do not need to request a 6-digit repeater ID for a hotspot, even if more than one person is using it, and even if it is dual-timeslot. The 6-digit repeater IDs are designed for large-coverage repeaters.



