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OLED - Operation:

[last update: 2022-04-10]
Still a work in progress...
OLED - Overview/Specs
OLED - Programming
Electronic Level project
Arduino XIAO

  • This is for 128x32 OLED - Adafruit 4440.

  • Load Required Libraries into Arduino IDE:
    • Per Adafruit, two libraries are needed (see below regarding the third): Adafruit_SSD1306, and Adafruit_GFX.
      Open the Arduino library manager:
        In IDE: Sketch > Include Libraries > Manage Libraries
        Search for the Adafruit SSD1306 library and install it
        Search for the Adafruit GFX library and install it (may install automatically with SSD1306...)
    • Restart the IDE

    • However I loaded the libraries manually.
      Third library needed: Adafruit_BusIO, also loaded manually,
      though presumably is loaded automatically if you follow the tutorial procedure with library manager.


  • Load the example program into IDE:
    File > Examples
    scroll down to: Examples from Custom Libraries
    Adafruit SSD1306
    select: ssd1306_128x32_i2c

  • For Uno or Nano - Successful:
    • Connect the hardware between OLED and Arduino:
      • 3.3v and gnd
      • i2c CLK (SCL) to A-5
      • i2c Data (SDA) to A4
    • After refining the example program for my preferred format and functions, here's my current default program:


  • for XIAO - Failed:
    XIAO, Seeeduino
  • -------------------------------------------------------

  • for uDuino ... :

