[last updated: 2020-09-18]
go to: Blender home page
go to: Blender - Editing
First attempts, using 2.79 on tower
RMB, LMB, MMB = right, left, and middle mouse button
- When you first open Blender, it will display a "splash screen" . Click on the screen to remove it and show the default cube that starts every project.
- Set up for mm units:
Properties > Scene > Units
Unit presets select millimeters
Length select Metric
Unit Scale: 1.0000
File > Save
- Panels:
- Navigation:
- middle button, hold & drag to rotate
- shift-middle button, hold & drag to pan
- scroll wheel to zoom in or out
- left click places a "3d cursor" which marks the point where newly created elements will be placed
shift-"C" moves it to the origin
- Selecting and Moving Objects:
- Select object:
In Object mode, position cursor over an object and RMB to select it
The 3-axis icon will display.
- Move an object:
position cursor over object (whether or not it's selected), RMB-hold and drag to move, release RMB
RMB to cancel and revert to previous position,
-or- LMB to confirm/lock new position
- -or- Move an object with 3d manipulator - translate - see below
- Press "A" key to deselect everything
- Move Object to Absolute position:
select object; alt-g moves it to the origin
then g, y, 8 enter - moves it to y=8
then g, x, 8 enter - moves it to x=8
- There are shortcut keys for most operations
"7" on keypad switches to "Top" view
- 3d manipulator widgets:
- Translate:
LMB-hold on any axis arrow, and drag to move (translate) the object
release to lock
- Rotation:
LMB-hold on desired axis-circle and drag to rotate
release to lock
- Scale:
LMB-hold on desired axis-end and drag to scale
release to lock
- Shortcut keys:
These work regardless of which 3d manipulator icon is active
alt-g moves object back to origin
alt-r cancels all rotations and restores original orientation
alt-s cancels all scalings and restores original size
press r y 30 enter to rotate 30deg in y-plane
press s x 2 enter to scale by factor of 2x in x direction
- Cameras and Views:
- Rendering: