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DigiSpark PB/LED test

[last updated: 2016-07-31]

// Program name: DSPBtest01
// edited for DigiSpark from PBtest
// Purpose:
// blink routine for onboard LED at setup
// blinks 1/sec heartbeat on board LED
// lights output LED when PB is pressed
// Edit History:
// rev. setupBlink_heartbeat: first rev
// rev. PBtest: added code to drive LED w/ PB
// rev. DSPBtest: edited for DigiSpark
// added PB & output LED
// Program operation/flow:
// blink on setup routine run at start & end of setup
// heartbeat done as first task in loop, millis-timed
// reads input from PB and lights LED accordingly
// Hardware configuration:
// P1 (for DS model A) reserved to drive onboard LED
// output LED on P4
// input PB on P5

// ------------------------

// ************** GLOBALS *******************

int redLED = 4;
int PB01 = 5;
int boardLED = 1;
unsigned long lastBeat = millis();


int numBlinks = 3; // not currently used ...

int prePause = 500;
int blinkOnShort = 100;
int blinkOnLong = 400;
int betweenBlinks = 160;
int postPause = 500;

// END setting user preferences

// ---------------- END globals -----------------

// ************** SETUP *******************

// line 40
void setup() {

pinMode(boardLED, OUTPUT);

// setup code goes here...
pinMode(redLED, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PB01, INPUT);
digitalWrite(PB01, HIGH);

// at end of setup: blink boardLED
blinkOnboard (prePause, 2, blinkOnLong, betweenBlinks, postPause);
blinkOnboard (prePause, 3, blinkOnShort, betweenBlinks, postPause);

// -------------- END setup --------------

// ************** LOOP *******************

void loop() {

// heartbeat
unsigned long currentTime = millis();
if (currentTime > (1000 + lastBeat))
lastBeat = currentTime;
// end heartbeat code
// --------------------------------

// main loop here ...

if (digitalRead(PB01) == LOW) {
digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH); }
else {
digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);

// --------------- END loop ---------------

// **************** FUNCTION DEFS *****************

// list of function defs:

// blinkOnboard
// heartBeat
// --------------------------

void blinkOnboard (int prePause, int numBlinks, int blinkOn, int betweenBlinks, int postPause)
// blinks onboard LED-13
// takes parameters: pre-pause; # blinks; blinkOn duration; betweenBlink pause duration; post-pause


for (int n = 0; n < numBlinks; n++)
digitalWrite(boardLED, HIGH);
//digitalWrite(redLED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(boardLED, LOW);
//digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);


} // END blinkOnboard
// ----------------------

void heartBeat ()
blinkOnboard(1, 1, 60, 1, 1);
int lastBeat = millis();

} // END heartBeat
// ----------------

// --------------- END function defs ------------

// --------------- END program ------------------



