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Inclinometer - Tilt Switch

[last updated: 2020-11-05]]
Inclinometer: Problem/Concept page

    Design Concept:
  • rev.0:
    • starts with a (TS) "tilt" switch (Adafruit PID: 173), a small tube with a rolling ball inside that makes contact with probes when the tube is rotated.
    • The switch will be mounted on a manually rotating, protractor-type dial, to allow experimenting with it to see how repeatable its reading are, whether it's rotation in x-y (horizontal) plane affects trip points, and how much hysteresis there is when approaching the trip point from different directions.
  • rev. 1:
    • Add a micro servo or stepper to rotate the TS under program control
    • Write a program that will rotate the TS several times, from different directions, and average the readings to output an analog measurement
