[last updated: 2022-03-20]
go to: GPS module
go to: hiking tracker
- First attempts:
- Initial function test (see GPS module page) was successful, using Arduino Nano hardware serial.
- However, I want to add an OLED display to allow viewing position data when portable, ie. not connected to a computer with a serial monitor.
The (go to:) Adafruit OLED module that I'm using communicates with i2c (I think), so it should not directly interfere with the GPS' serial link,
however I could not get it to work. There was no readout on the OLED.
- Forums suggested the problem had to do with the GPS and softwareSerial libraries.
- So I revised the program to use alternative libraries:
NeoGPS (NMEAGPS) instead of Adafruit_GPS.
This was successful (Arduino program: ...), with both GPS module and OLED readout working.
- However I have no idea how or why it works, since there's no serial communication library included ...
- Revisions needed:
- Current software (...) only prints out 2 decimal digits of lat/lng data, not sufficient for any kind of location precision.
- Altitude data is variable and clearly inaccurate. May need to add an actual barometric sensor for better accuracy.