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Calculate distance between two GPS coordinates

[last updated: 2022-03-06]
GPS module
tracker software
calculation resource material


  • distance(miles) = radius(miles) * centralAngle(radians)

  • centralAngle using standard spherical trig:
    • Given two GPS coordinates: lat1, lng1, and lat2, lng2
    • centralAngle = arccos ( [ sin(lat1) * sin(lat2) ] + [ cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos( | lng2 - lng1 | ) ]

    • This formula can be fairly accurate for small distances
      if calculations are done using 64-bit floating point processors.
      However the haversine method below can be more accurate

    • However:
      Calculating a distance of ~ 1/2 mile using both methods
      resulted in a difference of only a few inches,
      much less than the error window in GPS coordinates (which is a few meters).
      My conclusion: Use the Central Angle formula above from standard spherical trig,
      and avoid the complexity of the haversine equations.

  • centralAngle using haversines:
    • If you have a processor with limited precision, you may still want to use this haversine formula:
    • where: phi = latitude, lambda = longitude

  • Haversines:



