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[last updated: 2022-05-02]
ham radio home page
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  • Attenuators are used to reduce signal strength. This can be needed eg:
    • when you want to connect a transmitter's high-wattage output to some sensitive device, eg. a spectrum analyzer, whose input can't handle high power signals,
    • or when fox-hunting, when you'd connect your directional antenna's signal through an attenuator to your receiver, to reduce the signal strength and increase sensitivity to low-level signals from the fox.

  • from dB gain equation:
    (Voltage) AttenuationdB = 20 * log10(Vin / Vout)
      Note: Gain ratio (ie. amplified) is Vout / Vin, but Attenuation ratio is Vin / Vout
  • In the calculations below, the attenuation ratio VIN / VOUT is set to = K.
    K = VIN / VOUT

  • pi network attenuators:



