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Lithium Battery Charging

[last updated: 2022-09-01]
Li-ion batteries

  • Charging Boards:
    • Adafruit MCP73833 charger (ADA: 259)
      • It has 3 LED's onboard:
        red for power applied to the board
        yellow for charging in progress
        green for charging completed

      • Charging problems:
        • If both yel & grn LED's are on, it suggests the battery is defective (has been discharged too low)
        • I bought 20@ 5300 mAh 18650's in 2017. I used some of them, but most of them not. So in Sep-2020 I decided to check their charge level and charge them.
          Several still had 3.2+ volts and charged completely (ADA:259).
          One only had 1v or so ...
        • 4 of them had been built into a 20,000 mAh pack. I put it on a USB port to charge, and it started with still having 3 of 4 bars charged...





  • Info from Brian Jenkins:
    • Charging LiPo batteries starts in constant Current mode, then switches to constant Voltage mode when the battery reaches a threshold voltage.
    • Constand current rate (in ma) is 1/2 the mah capacity rating of the battery.
    • Constant voltage rate will be max rating of the battery:
      "We are charging 4 batteries in series, so 4 * 4.2v = 16.8v is our maximum charge voltage."
    • Constant current circuit:
      Uses LM317
      Current cal resistor:
      Rcal = 1.25v / (charge current in amps)
      Power-rating-of-R = 1.25v * (charge current in amps)
    • Constant voltage circuit:
      Also uses LM317
    • Programming:
      Arduino monitors voltage and current
      Has two output relays to switch the two charging circuits on or off (constant current & constant voltage)
      Charging starts in CC, then switches to CV when voltage reaches 80% of target.
      Charging is complete when CV charging drops below 50ma.
        Additional programming might monitor battery temperature and stop charging if it gets too hot,
        or perhaps disconnect a load if battery voltage depletes too much.




