Source Material:
Most of what's here came from: (RNT)
Great resources. Huge amount of excellent material to wade through.
Troubleshooting somewhat lacking as such resources are.
Initial project is to get two ESP8266's to communicate with each other via wifi but without connecting to a router.
First task is to find the mfr-assigned MAC address of my boards.
MAC = Media Access Control
Every device has a unique MAC Address.
The address is of the form:
That is, 6 groups of 2 hex digits, separated by colons
For two devices to talk to each other, they must know each others' MAC address
A diversion:
Since all these libraries that I need are part of arduino-esp32, I tried
copying the entire arduino-esp32 folder into my libraries folder, then #include "arduino-esp32"
but it would not compile, "no such file of directory" ???
Installed these from the board manager:
ESP8266 from ESP8266Community
and ESP32 from Espressif