Make one probe high, the other low
pause (stabilize)
take a reading
turn off high probe
pause (recovery)
make second probe high
pause (stabilize)
take a reading
turn off high probe
pause (recovery)
this completes one "pair" of readings
repeat for desired number of pairs, then average all
Rev 1 - basic flip-flop test circuit with serial monitor readout:
Using basic test circuit (schematic above), starting from the circuit, eliminated the 100-ohm resistor used in that circuit (see: ... methods), since "current limiting" is not needed on the high-input-impedance analog inputs, and the 56k RD gives plenty of limiting for the current between the two drive pins.
Discovered there is a lot of variability in readings, even successive readings with no probe movement in between. (see: ... investigations)
However I managed to get stable readouts by taking 3 pairs of readings and averaging them, and adding some pauses Code: ...
OTOH, there was little consistency between readings taken at different points - that is, removing the probes, and reinserting them a slight distance away.