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TV Antenna

[last updated: 2023-12-06]
IR Remote Control

  • This is a rotating TV antenna, with attached amplifier.
    The amplifier has an IR sensor on it that receives signals from the "clicker" remote that also controls the TV.
    Antenna rotation is thereby controlled by the the same clicker remote that controls the TV (vol, channel, etc.)
  • Amplifier is labeled with model: LAVA 3510
    Other mfr info unavailable at this time...
    basically a modified yagi, with convoluted reflectors and focus elements...

  • When the amplifier receives a code from a keypress on the remote,
    it starts rotating in (I think) a direction opposite to that last executed.
  • Operation is a bit sketchy:
    First, you must press and hold a key for about 2 seconds before the antenna-rotation control will engage
    Second, the TV will at the same time respond to the command for whichever key is pressed.
    Third, the toggling between CW and CCW directions is not reliable, sometimes works, sometimes not.
    So what worked in practice:
      Press and hold the mute key until rotation engages.
      If it's in the wrong direction, release it and re-press to engage rotation in the desired direction.
      Release it when the desired amount of rotation is reached.
      Press mute again if necessary to re-set it where desired.

  • The interesting thing is that the only wiring from the IR-receiver/controller to the antenna is the coax TV signal cable.
    This means that the rotation commands are transmitted form the controller to the antenna on some over-the-wire protocol.