[last updated: 2018-08-01]
go to: FONA home page
This version (FONA-1) uses the Adafruit 2636 shield on top of a rev-3 Arduino Uno. Indicator LED's and a pushbutton are mounted on a breadboard.
- Current Status:
- successfully sent and received SMS text messages, under program control (ie. as opposed to just through serial monitor as in the example sketch).
- successfully retrieved my GPS coordinates
- I did not attempt audio cell calls, though have no reason to believe they wouldn't work.
- However, I've broken the uFl antenna connector on the shield for the GPS antenna. I've received a replacement from Adafruit, but have yet to attempt the microscopic SMT soldering necessary to install it...
- Project is set aside on hold for now...
- Unresolved issues:
- ntp time sink
- Something glitchy going on: I have the sketch set up to send two texts to my cellphone when it finishes setup routine after reset or power-up. It works, but later I will get two more texts as if it again went through setup, however power was never interrupted.(FONA-2 does not have this problem)
- need to re-attach GPS antenna
Here is the breadboard for FONA-1:
Startup Procedure:
- Check/verify wiring
- Verify Arduino program - these instructions are written for FONA16.ino
- For Uno, softwareSerial requires Rx=2 & Tx=3
- Connect GSM antenna
- currently using Slim Sticker GSM/Cellular Quad-Band Antenna - 3dBi (Adafruit: 1991)
- however, I have also used the Mini GSM/Cellular Quad-Band Antenna - 2dBi (Adafruit: 1859). It has an SMA connector, and requires an adapter (Adafruit: 851) to fit onto the uFl connector on the FONA board.
- MUST connect LiPo battery (be sure it's fully charged)
- Switch battery toggle on FONA board to "Run" (not strictly necessary?)
- Breadboard setup red LED should come on
- FONA power-on green LED should come on
- FONA network blue LED will start fast blink as it searches for network
- FONA blue LED will blink slowly when network acquired
- Breadboard blue LED will come on indicating first end-of-setup text is being sent
- Breadboard blue LED goes off
- First text should be received
- Breadboard blue LED comes on indicating second end-of-setup text is being sent
- Breadboard blue LED goes off
- Second text is received
- Breadboard setup LED switches to green indicating setup is completed
- Breadboard setup LED stays green but blinks red 1/sec as heartbeat
- If a text is sent to the FONA, the breadboard text-rcvd red LED will come on while text is evaluated
- If text received is a valid command, action will be taken
- See program for commands that are defined and their responses
- If action involves sending response text, breadboard blue text-send LED will come on while message is sent
- If PB is pressed, yellow alarm LED will light momentarily, and text "triggered" will be sent. When pressing PB, it must be held down for one HB cycle in order to be "seen."
I'm continuing to refine the software, and at any given time there may still be bugs and things that don't work, but current version is FONA16, available on programs-all
Here's what it does:
- sends two SMS text messages to my cell phone upon completion of setup routine.
- receives SMS text messages:
- check to see if they're valid commands.
- responds to received command.
- reads PB and, if pressed, responds by sending SMS text "triggered"