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SPI Breadboard trial

[last updated: 2024-07-30]
SPI home page

  • This setup uses two Arduino Nano's, communicating with each other via SPI.
    It is a proof-of-concept trial, to verify programming and the function of the libraries.

  • Each Nano is connected to its own OLED for readout.
      The Nano's communicate with the OLED's with i2c and are connected via:
        +3.3v and gnd
        pin A4 - SDA (data)
        pin A5 - SCL (clock)
  • The two Nano's are connected together via:
      +5v and gnd
      pin 10 - Chip Select
      pin 11 - MOSI (Master-out, Slave-in)
      pin 12 - MISO (Master-in, Slave-out)
      pin 13 - SCK (clock)

  • Final programs are SPI_07M (master) and SPI_07S (slave).

  • Next steps:
    nano as slave connected to WT32-SC01 as master
    requires a opto coupler/isolator between nano data out (MISO) to ESP32 data in
    to level shift the 5v output from the nano to an acceptable 3.3v for the ESP32 input.
    final program was WT32_SPI_02h
    however I was not able to make it work in initial trials, though have done little troubleshooting so far...


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